There are few things more pleasurable than having a conversation with someone you never expected to have a conversation with, and having that conversation turn out to be as rich and engaging as you could ever have imagined.
And while my job lets me talk to all sorts of people who’d otherwise never be accessible to me, I never once thought I’d be able to (virtually) sit down with Andre Gregory — film actor, theatre director, the guy Wally Shawn met for dinner in that movie — for even five minutes, to say nothing of the hour we spend recording a podcast.
But Andre has a book out (This Is Not My Memoir, which I read in a single sitting and which is like living in another person’s heart), and that gave us the opportunity to get him for an episode of Someone Else Movie, and he wanted to talk about Casablanca, and somehow no one else had ever suggested it in like 320 episodes. So we did it, and it was everything I could ever have hoped it would be.
Don’t take my word for it, listen to the episode. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher and get the episode immediately, or just download it directly from the web. This is a good one.
And then check out the new episode of NOW What, which is given over to Rad’s round table on Deepa Mehta’s Funny Boy, discussing the film’s importance to the Tamil diaspora and also the criticism coming at it from that same population. The movie hits CBC Gem next Friday, but the controversy is raging right now, so we figured this was the right time to release the panel.
And if you’re looking for something a little less loaded, there’s the 4K and Blu-ray gift guide Rad and I put together for this year’s holiday shopping issue.
Sadly, I wasn’t able to include the 4K edition of Blade that’s coming out next week. Not Christmassy enough.