I’m in Heathrow, waiting on my connection to Nice. And then I’ll be en route to Cannes, and the inevitable two to three hours of offline confusion before everything is settled and I have to rush off to … well, to whatever it is I should be doing.
This could be interesting, though: I’m supposed to be appearing live on CBC Newsworld at 12:40 pm EST to talk about the opening night film, “Blindness” — which, as a Canadian co-production, is a big deal for us, apparently. So if you’re near a television, tune it to channel 26 and see how bleary I look, after something like 12 hours in cars, airports and possibly a shuttle bus.
On the upside, I managed to grab a BLT at the Pret-A-Manger here, which was exactly what I needed it to be. Why can’t every airport have this level of quality?
Maybe I’ve just spent too much time at LaGuardia. Check that: I’m sure I have.
I first read that title as ‘Oy Vey!’ Which, I’m sure, might apply equally as well.
Heck, I was wondering to myself on Wednesday, ‘Gee, I wonder how Norm’s doing in Cannes. Maybe he’s on his fifth espresso,’ and then I turned on the TV, and Poof! you were right there on CBC, as big as my office chair, looking quite alert, presentable, and coherent. I think John Harkness would be quite please & proud you’re now in Cannes. He’s probably having fun upstairs, watching you react to the weirdness he knew was indescribable. To play it safe, have that sixth espresso…