On y Va!

Boy, I really hope I look better than these twoI’m in Heathrow, waiting on my connection to Nice. And then I’ll be en route to Cannes, and the inevitable two to three hours of offline confusion before everything is settled and I have to rush off to … well, to whatever it is I should be doing.

This could be interesting, though: I’m supposed to be appearing live on CBC Newsworld at 12:40 pm EST to talk about the opening night film, “Blindness” — which, as a Canadian co-production, is a big deal for us, apparently. So if you’re near a television, tune it to channel 26 and see how bleary I look, after something like 12 hours in cars, airports and possibly a shuttle bus.

On the upside, I managed to grab a BLT at the Pret-A-Manger here, which was exactly what I needed it to be. Why can’t every airport have this level of quality?

Maybe I’ve just spent too much time at LaGuardia. Check that: I’m sure I have.

2 thoughts on “On y Va!”

  1. Heck, I was wondering to myself on Wednesday, ‘Gee, I wonder how Norm’s doing in Cannes. Maybe he’s on his fifth espresso,’ and then I turned on the TV, and Poof! you were right there on CBC, as big as my office chair, looking quite alert, presentable, and coherent. I think John Harkness would be quite please & proud you’re now in Cannes. He’s probably having fun upstairs, watching you react to the weirdness he knew was indescribable. To play it safe, have that sixth espresso…

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