You know how the week after Thanksgiving usually means there’s not much going on, movie-wise? Well, somebody decided 2017 was going to be different, and the result is a great selection of proper cinema … and another WolfCop movie.
Another WolfCop: Hey, remember that cheesy retro action movie that came out a few years ago? Well, here’s the sequel! As much as I enjoyed the action-horror wave of the ’80s, I just don’t see the point of slavish re-creations that don’t inform or comment on the original. Neither does Rad, as it turns out.
Big Time: Paging all Bjorke Ingels fans! The architectural superstar is the subject of a new documentary from Kaspar Astrup Schroder, and good for both of them. Glenn found it slow but charming.
The Disaster Artist: Speaking of re-creations that do inform and comment on the original, James Franco’s hall-of-mirrors Hollywood comedy offers a novel perspective on the making of one of the worst movies of all time, and a number of terrific performances (including his own). Stay for the end credits, ha ha haaaa.
Radius: Diego Klattenhoff plays an amnesiac who wakes up after an accident to discover that anyone who comes within fifty feet of him drops dead … until one woman (Charlotte Sullivan) doesn’t. Neat idea, huh? Well, about that …
Suck It Up: Jordan Canning follows her debut feature We Were Wolves with another small, focused film about grief and self-examination, this one featuring great work from Erin Carter and Grace Glowicki. You should see it! It’s very good!
Sweet Virginia: Jamie M. Dagg’s second feature trades the breathlessness of River for a more considered study of people on a collision course with one another in a small Alaska town. And Jon Bernthal is better in this than he is in The Punisher, so there.
Wexford Plaza: Rad appreciates the authenticity of Joyce Wong’s Scarborough-set first feature, even if it never quite got beyond that for him.
And that’s everything! Isn’t that nice? Go see Suck It Up or The Disaster Artist, they’re both really good. You’re welcome.
Norm, you’re tearing your readers apaaaaart!
Ha ha, great story Chris