Awards bait to the left of us, awards bait to the right … here we are, stuck in the middle with Spider-Man. (Which might also win an award. It’s a good year for Spider-Man.)
Blaze: Who was Blaze Foley? You’ll see.
Ben Is Back: Addiction drama, better than Beautiful Boy. [Michelle]
Mary Queen of Scots: Ronan and Robbie deserve much better.
The Mortal Engines: Haven’t seen it. Looks very silly.
The Mule: Eastwood’s best in a decade, seriously. [Rad]
The Quake: Remember The Wave? There’s a sequel!
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: YOU GUYS, SPIDER-HAM’S IN THIS!
Supergrid: Post-apocalyptic action from Team WolfCop.
And that’s everything, I think. Aren’t we lucky?