NOW’s Holiday Film Issue is out today, featuring reviews of all the year-end releases we could squeeze into its pages.
Because I’m just that compulsive, I’ll be tackling those films as they open — some tomorrow, some on Christmas Day, and a couple on the 26th — but if you’re particularly clever, you should be able to find them now by clicking around the section.
For today, though, it’s all about conversation. Here’s an interview with Bradley Cooper, the perpetually underrated “Kitchen Confidential” star who turns up in a thankless role opposite Jim Carrey in “Yes Man”; I also spoke to Taraji P. Henson, who provides “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” with most of its emotional heft.
And Glenn, Barrett and I have recorded our very first movie podcast — you can download the mp3 by right-clicking here and selecting “Save”. (Apparently it’s also available in iTunes, though I have no frackin’ idea how you’d find it.) I think it went pretty well, and we’ll be doing more of these in the future.
One more screening this morning, and then it’s clear sailing to the New Year …
Once again, I appreciate learning about smaller movies to add to my wish list of movies to try and get out to see. Looks like after Slumdog Millionaire, I have Waltzing With Bashir and Wendy and Lucy to look forward to…movies that I probably wouldn’t see any commercials or previews for.
And if you combine Will Smith with Despereaux’s ears…he could play Obama in the movie version. Just a cheap, childish observation.
Kitchen Confidential was criminally underrated.
I agree! Great cast, sharp writing, authentic setting … and yet I still can’t get my wife to watch even one episode, even though she likes just about everyone in it.
It’s frustrating, it really is.
Bradley Cooper (agreed, very underrated), Nicholas Brendon, John Francis Daley, John Cho, Frank Langella and Bonnie Summerville (who is both funny and smokin’ hot). And it gets canceled after four episodes?
It had a terrific pace, a great look and was genuinely funny. I cry foul.
Trick your wife into watching the pilot and she’ll be hooked. Now I have to go find it for cheap in the DVD bargain bins somewhere.
It even got extra points for a catchy theme song.