This week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie was one of the toughest to put together, thanks to fluttery WiFi, distorted audio and an entirely unnecessary rainstorm.
And hopefully you’ll never notice, partly because I used every post-production trick in the book, and partly because my conversation with Shane Belcourt turned out so well.
Shane — whose new film Red Rover is available on digital platforms and on demand today, and which is very good — wanted to tackle Spike Jonze’s Her, which gave me the chance to revisit it and conclude that I’d really underestimated it when it opened back in 2013 … which is to say, I really liked it at the time but now I think it may be his masterpiece.
You’ll want to join us for that. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher and get it immediately, or download the episode directly from the web.
And there’s a new episode of NOW What to slam into your ears, this one expanding on Sam Edwards’ cover package on how small businesses are struggling to survive the pandemic with minimal support from their customers, their landlords and the government. It’s a grim one, I’m afraid.
Oh, and I’m on yet another podcast today, joining Jeremy LaLonde at Black Hole Films for a sequel to our episode about Andy Muschetti’s It two years ago. Yep, I didn’t get to catch It: Chapter Two on its theatrical run either, so Jeremy made sure I’d watch it for his show. Want to hear me grapple with my disappointment in real time? Of course you do. I mean, I’m pretty sure that’s what this medium is for.