This week on Someone Else’s Movie, documentary filmmaker Nick de Pencier — whose new project Black Code opens in Toronto and Vancouver this Friday after a nice long run on the festival circuit — reaches back into the archives of the National Film Board to discuss Donald Brittain’s Volcano: An Inquiry Into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry, which was nominated for an Oscar in 1976 and then overwritten in the public consciousness by John Huston’s terrific adaptation of Lowry’s novel Under the Volcano a few years later.
Go get it! Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher, or grab it right here at the SEMcast site.
And if you’d like to see Brittain’s movie, it’s streaming for free on the NFB’s website and YouTube. Or you can spin up the second disc of Criterion’s Under the Volcano, which I’m sure you bought years ago. You seem like a good person.