This week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie is a little different from most of them, but that’s okay; so is my guest.
Judy Wood works entirely outside the filmmaking sphere, as an immigration lawyer helping refugees and asylum seekers start new lives in America. But her efforts served as inspiration for the new drama Saint Judy, in which she’s played by Michelle Monaghan.
Judy wanted to talk about Vivre Sa Vie, discussing Jean-Luc Godard’s monumental 1962 drama in the context of her clients’ lives and the extremes one must experience before abandoning everything to start over somewhere else. Godard’s movie was set aside fairly quickly, but it’s a good conversation with at least one startling revelation — and not the sort of revelation I was expecting.
I mean, I think you should hear it. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher and get the episode right away, or download it directly from the web. And give a moment’s thought to people who’d do anything to change their lives for the better.