This week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie gets very personal very quickly, with Mitchell Cushman‘s choice of High Fidelity allowing both of us to indulge our compulsive sides — and to share stories of working as video-store clerks in our younger days. (Fun fact: Paul Sun-Hyung Lee was also a Blockbuster clerk in his 20s, though I don’t think that ever came up during his episode on Jaws.)
It’s all tied to Mitchell’s Outside the March theatre company’s new experience The Tape Escape, which opens in the Annex this Thursday and sounds like an interesting experiment — and I say this as someone who absolutely hates escape rooms and immersive theatre. I guess I’m not as close-minded as I thought.
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher and get the episode right away, or download it directly from the website. Oh, and you can also listen on Spotify! Do you do that? I don’t, but you totally could.
Love these podcasts. This one though transported me through time and space. I was brought back to my early twenties, and to my old neighbourhood; I think I likely rented some movies from you at Jumbo. All while listening on a tram headed for work in Melbourne Australia.
Great experience. Thanks Norm.
Aw, you’re welcome! I’m really glad this one worked out the way it did — you can almost smell the dust on the shelves.