I wrote some words about last night’s Golden Globes ceremony for NOW — and I’ll be appearing on CTV News Channel at around 12:40 ET to discuss the evening, if you happen to be bored at lunch and needing a distraction.
But never mind Ryan and Emma; today’s real dream team is Bob and Doug McKenzie, as embodied by Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas in The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie In Strange Brew, which NOW is presenting tonight as this month’s Free Flick Monday at the The Royal, and which I will be introducing at 7:30 pm.
You’re coming, right? I know it’s miserable out, but even so. Free movie! And the first hundred guests get free popcorn! Why wouldn’t you join us?
Oh, right, the frigid winter. Well, the last time I screened Strange Brew for people it was stiflingly hot and I had the flu, so surely you can brave the horror of putting on a jacket. See you there!
This inamioftron is off the hizool!