The hard numbers won’t be in until later today, but right now it appears that the third “Ice Age” and the second “Transformers” are tied for first place at the North American box office, each of them pulling in $42.5 million over the weekend.
When the final tallies are reported, my money’s on “Ice Age” to come out on top — it was the much stronger performer on Wednesday and Thursday (its five-day gross is $67.5 million to the “Revenge of the Fallen” take of $65 million), and its 92-minute running time means considerably more screenings per day than the 149-minute expanse of the “Transformers” sequel.
Meanwhile, “Public Enemies” made $41 million in its first five days — Michael Mann’s best opening ever, according to the Variety piece, and “a testament to Depp’s appeal, proving he can open a pic even when not dressed as a pirate.”
Poor Christian Bale. He’s already over, isn’t he?