It’s an all-around summer fun-time episode of Someone Else’s Movie, as I welcome documentary filmmaker Brent Hodge, who came to town earlier this spring for a theatrical screening of his latest feature, Freaks and Geeks: The Documentary, in advance of its television premiere on A&E this summer.
The doc is on iTunes now, and it’s comedy-nerd gold; it also let Brent talk to a number of the people involved with the movie he chose to talk about, Greg Mottola’s Superbad. Or rather, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s Superbad, since it’s their story, their screenplay and their producing debut. It’s also a truly delightful little movie, and it made for a very engaging conversation, with plenty of details about Brent’s own filmmaking career and at least three pauses for construction noise. I edited out most of it, but you can still tell.
Anyway, go listen to it! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher and now Spotify (!!!), or just download it directly from the web. And enjoy yourself. It’s summertime!