This week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie is one of the shortest, but in a weird way that kind of works for the guest and his choice.
See, Kogonada was only available on the press day for his brilliant new film After Yang, and that meant we had a tight fifteen-minute window to dive into Hirokazo Kore-eda’s wistful, endlessly moving celestial 1998 drama After Life,
But there’s something about having a time limit that really works for a movie that ponders eternity in the context of how short an earthly life can be — and that ties into something about Kogonada’s own film as well, a gentle SF-infused drama about life and death and memory that intersects with Kore-eda’s film on a couple of key levels. Anyway, listen to this episode, and then see After Yang. You’ll get it.
Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher and get the episode immediately, or download it directly from the web. And then … well, then things are about to get a little quieter. I’m taking some vacation time, so there’ll be nothing to post in terms of reviews.
But it’s the seventh anniversary of SEMcast next week, and I’ve got something nifty planned for that, so … I dunno, come back next week and find out what it is. I’ll be waiting.