Welcome to 2019! It’s probably going to suck very badly, but at least we can usher it in with a new episode of Someone Else’s Movie. And it’s a good one, aged like a fine wine because I’ve been sitting on it since the fall of 2017. (It was a scheduling thing.)

My guest is writer and producer James Hurst, who’s worked on Degrassi: The Next Generation, Flashpoint, Wynonna Earp, Slasher, Frankie Drake Mysteries and more … and his film of choice is Richard Kelly’s beguiling, labyrinthean Donnie Darko — which we unpacked at length, in both of its iterations, over two separate recording sessions thanks to the magic of neighborhood construction.
Anyhow, it’s the perfect thing to listen to while you’re recovering from whatever you did last night, so once you’ve situated yourself in the timeline of your choice, subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher to listen right away, or stream the show on Spotify, or just download the episode directly from the web. Enjoy it. Think about your place in the universe. And keep watching the skies.