On this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie, actor and writer Jessica Reynolds joins me all the way from Belfast to talk about Catherine Hardwicke’s Thirteen, a movie I kinda hated but have since come to appreciate for Evan Rachel Wood’s fearless lead performance and Holly Hunter’s steely support.
And Jessica, who stars opposite Jared Abrahamson and Don McKellar (yep, really) in the new horror curio The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw, comes at the film from the perspective of a young woman who was thirteen when she first encountered the movie nearly a decade after its release, and found she connected with it powerfully, cultural divides notwithstanding.
Want to feel the passion? Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher and get the episode immediately, or download it directly from the web.
And then check out the latest episodes of NOW What — last Friday, Kelsey Adams and Vanessa Davis walked me through the world of baking while baking, and today I talk to writer-director Emma Seligman about her buzzy debut feature Shiva Baby, which is making a homecoming of sorts at the Toronto Jewish Film Festival this week after playing TIFF and Inside Out.
Also, reading! Here’s last Friday’s What to Watch — I really should be posting those on the day they go up, shouldn’t I — and a list of 10 recent horror movies to stream for Halloween, as well as my reviews of the new season of Star Trek: Discovery and Ben Wheatley’s Rebecca, which drops on Netflix tomorrow.
I watch a lot of stuff, is the takeaway here.