I don’t know about you guys, but this month has worn me flat out. I barely have the energy to slouch through the final wave of theatrical releases. But here we go:
The Boss Baby: Rad is the latest critic to be pleasantly surprised by DreamWorks’ new animated family comedy … but I’m still gonna wait for the Blu-ray.
Ghost in the Shell: Recasting a specifically Japanese story with a diverse assortment of actors was a gamble that doesn’t pay off … though you can see flashes of a viable solution rattling around in there. Sadly, the same applies to “remaking Ghost in the Shell as a live-action Hollywood movie 20 years after the material was revolutionary”.
Mr. Gaga: Kathleen is totally on board with Tomer Heymann’s decades-spanning profile of vaunted Israeli choreographer Ohad Naharin. I still can’t get into dance movies unless they’re Footloose.
Obit: Vanessa Gould’s documentary looks at the obituary writers of the New York Times, who must seek meaning in the lives of others. Susan wasn’t a fan at Hot Docs, but I’m still intrigued.
The Void: The genre-worshipping Astron-6 collective (Manborg, Father’s Day, The Editor) finally deliver a movie that stands on its own — meaning that even if you don’t get the John Carpenter references, you can still get pulled into its apocalyptic vibe. And Aaron Poole is great. (Opens tomorrow at The Royal.)
The Zookeeper’s Wife: Jessica Chastain does her best to engage the heart in a movie determined to hit all the obvious buttons of a Holocaust drama. That said, the lion cubs in the first scene are adorable.
… okay, that’s all I got. See you on Monday.
Danny Boyle did an amazing job with the sequel. Was worried he was going to break my heart with Spud.