… because I’m on three podcasts today! Wild, right?
First, there’s that bonus episode of Someone Else’s Movie I was talking about — a giddy ride through Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse with filmmaker Patrick White, a veteran writer-producer whose feature directorial debut Queen of Spades comes to VOD next week. It’s a remake of a 2015 Russian horror movie, and it does some interesting things with the source material … which makes it an interesting counterpoint to Sony Animation’s Oscar-winning Marvel movie, which similarly uses animation to reinvent and refresh its familiar text.
… I mean, you could do Spider-Ham with photorealistic CG, but you probably don’t want to.
Something else you don’t want to do? Miss this episode. So get on it, true believer: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher to get the episode instantly, or download it directly from the web.
Also! There’s a new episode of NOW What, in which I ride along as Glenn talks to Toronto theatre folk Monica Esteves and Mitchell Marcus about their plans for the summer, and why they’re not looking to the provincial government for help. You can find it everywhere, and also at the bottom of this Hot Summer Guide piece.
And then, I’m on today’s episode of The Big Story, talking about how Disney has resurrected event television by returning to a weekly release model for its exclusive series. It’s just a chance to relax and talk about Loki, really.
Text stuff: There’s this week’s What to Watch page, of course, and stand-alone reviews of Netflix’ disappointing Awake and Showcase’s delirious We Are Lady Parts. And I wrote a quick thing about drive-in theatres reopening today, which will be nice.
Have a good weekend, everybody. Stay safe.