It’s a podcast exchange on Someone Else’s Movie this week, as I welcome Hollywood Suite podcaster Becky Shrimpton — on whose show A Year in Film I have appeared a couple of times — to talk about a documentary near and dear to her heart.
That’d be The Devil At Your Heels, Robert Fortier’s 1981 study of stunt driver and would-be daredevil Ken Carter’s attempt to jump a rocket car over the St. Lawrence River — a distance of more than a mile, and a dream that ended very badly for everyone involved. But not for Becky, who uses the film (and Carter’s story) to solidify her pitch for the Doofus With A Dream genre of storytelling. She’s really got something there, I think.
Subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher or wherever and get it instantly, or download it directly from the web. And then you can catch me and Becky as guests on the first episode of Hollywood Suite’s Cinema A to Z series, discussing literary adaptations of all sorts of authors! You can watch it free right here; I’m on board for segments on Graham Greene, H.P. Lovecraft, Michael Ondaatje and H.G. Wells.
And then, make sure you’re subscribed to my Shiny Things newsletter so you don’t miss out on my takes on Dan Trachtenberg’s franchise-reviving Predator prequel Prey and Arrow’s 4K edition of Flatliners. This week, I’m taking a look at a couple of beloved genre titles that are newly arriving in UHD editions; it’s basically just an excuse to write about horror movies at length, but that’s what you want from me, right?