God dammit, I did it again, didn’t I. Forgot to do a Friday post with all the other stuff I had going on.
I’m sorry. I’ll set up a calendar reminder or something. I’ve been busy. Here’s last week’s What to Watch digest, and here are my expanded reviews of Baby Done and Psycho Goreman, which both have their weird, specific charms.
And speaking of Psycho Goreman, you might want to check out today’s brand-new episode of Someone Else’s Movie, where that film’s writer-director Steven Kostanski joins me to discuss a film that bears a clear influence on his picture, and his entire career: Paul W.S. Anderson’s Mortal Kombat.
It’s one of those connections that makes perfect sense, and leads to a really enjoyable conversation. And if you haven’t thought about Mortal Kombat in a while, you’ll be happy to hear it holds up remarkably well.
So assume a listening stance! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher and get the episode immediately, or download it directly from the web.
And then you can turn your attention to the latest episodes of NOW What: Today, I talk to Tim Caulfield and Sam Yammine about the new Science Up First initiative, which aims to combat pandemic-related misinformation and lead people back to the facts, and in Friday’s episode Kelsey, Julia and Richard discussed suggestions for staying social in isolation as an extension of our Chill Winter Guide.
See, I bet you would have appreciated hearing that over the weekend. Again, my bad. I’ll try to do better this week.