Fix Your Hearts or Die

David Lynch died last Thursday. I wrote a little about him over at Shiny Things, but there wasn’t much to say that hadn’t been said by so many other people. Universally beloved and respected, consistently weird, able to alienate a cinema full of retired dentists and their wives in the space of three hours — honestly, what better way to be remembered?

So this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie pays the tiniest of tributes to him, bringing back Rick Roberts‘ September 2017 episode on Eraserhead. It’s a celebration of the film, of course, but it’s also conversation about an artist discovering another way to make art, and the cracks that can open when you least expect them. So yeah, it’s hopeful. I like that.

You can find the show in all the usual places:  AppleSpotifyYouTube Podcasts, your podcatcher of choice … or you can download the episode directly from the web and play it loud to drown out the cries of that weird baby in the next room. Assuming it is a baby, of course.

And then, get on board with Shiny Things! In addition to Lynch, last week I wrote about Criterion’s new 4K editions of The Mother and the Whore and Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling — two auterist knockouts I never thought would be rescued from limbo — and Arrow’s new 4K limited edition of Inglourious Basterds, which, meh. Subscribe now if you haven’t already so you don’t miss the next thing!

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