I am carving out a few minutes to write this because today is the day the NOW What podcast changes formats! It’s going to be a weekly magazine going forward, with at least two stories and a broader mandate beyond the pandemic.
(Not that the pandemic is over, of course — it very much isn’t, and we’ll continue to cover the stories that emerge — but you can only do so many episodes about industries reconfiguring and/or recovering before they all start to repeat the same points.)
Anyway, we’re going to be doing more arts and culture stuff, so today’s episode features a conversation with writer and journalist JP Laroque about recent statements (and apologies) from DaBaby and Matt Damon, and where they fit on the spectrum of celebrity offense. We’ve also got Rad’s interview with Never Have I Ever‘s Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, who is a nice person from Mississauga and seems unlikely to end up having to apologize for anything any time soon. It’s all good stuff, and you should listen to it on your podcatcher of choice, or right here.
Also, print stuff. I offered some suggestions for this year’s Fantasia lineup, and reviewed Annette, Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain and Vivo in this week’s What to Watch page. There’s also a capsule for The Suicide Squad in there, but you should go with my longer review for that one. It’s a pretty dense movie, as you can probably tell from the image above. King Shark is a shark!