Agnès Varda has died. I’ll write something about her later today, but right now I’ll just share our 2008 interview and wish that I’m half as loved and admired when my time comes.
Also there are movies opening.
The Beach Bum: Korine’s latest is a dick move. [Kevin]
Blue Note Records: Beyond the Notes: Jazz label. Rare footage. Cool, daddy.
Dumbo: Burton’s remake is an hour longer. [Rad]
Falls Around Her: Tantoo Cardinal rules. Come see why. [Sam]
Firecrackers: Two young women, one small town. [Sam]
Giant Little Ones: Two young men, one small town. [Glenn]
Hero: Inspired by the Extraordinary Life & Times of Mr. Ulric Cross: Decades-spanning docudrama tells a story.
Hotel Mumbai: Paul Greengrass wishes he made this. [Michelle]
Through Black Spruce: I really wanted this to work.
And there’s TV, too! Specifically: HBO’s Barry, Amazon’s Hanna and Netflix’ Santa Clarita Diet, all of which I managed to cover this week. I’m very tired.
Sorry, but while Joel Hammond may be the comedic role of Olyphant’s career, and a great role it is, the role of his entire career can’t be any role other than Seth *%$#@*^&$*# Bullock. Will be enjoying the amuse bouche* of Santa Clarita Diet while waiting for the Deadwood entree.
*If it’s not too disgusting to use that term in relation to a show with this particular menu.