If I’m being honest, this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie was really just an excuse to talk to Faith Erin Hicks in person about stuff, instead of geeking out back and forth on Twitter.
If I’m being really honest, though, it was because Faith chose Tremors as the movie she wanted to champion, and who wouldn’t want to talk about that? So off I went for the first remote recording of the show — I think the sound is okay, but please let me know if you don’t — and the resulting episode can be found right here, and also on iTunes and Stitcher.
Oh, and I almost forgot: I’m on someone else’s podcast this week, too! Matt Price invited me to pick a horror movie for his show, Let’s Scare Matthew Price to Death, and I went with Alien because, well, no point in half-measures. That episode went up earlier this week, and you should listen to it. It’s good!