Brendan and the Devil

Forgive This Rock RecordThe latest issue of NOW finds me in musical mode, reviewing several of the films screening at NXNE and chatting with Broken Social Scene’s Brendan Canning about his participation in one of them, Bruce McDonald’s “This Movie is Broken“. (My interview with McDonald will run next week, when the movie opens.)

I also spoke to veteran character actor Ray Wise about his performance in “Iodine”, an indie making its bow at the Toronto Underground Cinema tomorrow night. And yes, we talked about the maddening inconsistencies of “Reaper”; if you think you were frustrated by that show’s inability to get out of second gear, imagine what it must have been like to work on it.

Sorry about the lack of audio on these, by the way; phoners just don’t compress to MP3 streams as well as face-to-face conversations. Which is a shame, because Ray Wise has the second-best phone voice of anyone I’ve ever talked to — the first being this guy, of course.