Breathing Heavy

We’re closing NOW’s TIFF preview issue today, so I’m running around like a maniac seeing movies and filing capsules down to the wire.  Six-word review time!

Angry Indian Goddesses: Pan Nalin’s feminist drama overreaches slightly. [Susan]

Don’t Blink – Robert Frank: The artist and his art, superficially. [Jose]

Don’t Breathe: Evil Dead‘s Alvarez and Levy, reunited!

Hieronymus Bosch: Touched by the Devil: Thesis in the title, I guess.

Hooligan Sparrow: Sex-assault protestors struggling in China. [Rad]

In Order of Disappearance: Norwegian thriller has a mordant wit.

Ixcanul: Teenage despair on a Guatemalan plantation. [Rad]

Manhattan Night: Brody. Scott. Good performances, overheated movie.

Mechanic: Resurrection: … but he didn’t die, did he?

Southside with You: Barack and Michelle’s first date. Awwww.

A Tale of Love and Darkness: Natalie Portman’s directorial debut. Decent enough.

Tunnel: A particularly intimate Korean disaster movie.

There, that’s everything. Sorry, gotta run and do more stuff. You know how it is.

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