On this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie, actor and filmmaker Fran Kranz — whose first feature Mass is one of the year’s best pictures, if I do say so myself — sings the praises of two films he saw at exactly the right time in his artistic development: Michael Haneke’s Time of the Wolf and Wong Kar-wai’s 2046.
Am I able to build a bridge bettween these two movies and Fran’s shatteringly personal drama? I certainly give it my best shot. But sometimes art has to stand on its own to be understood, you know?
(Fun fact: The photograph of Fran was taken around the time of The Cabin in the Woods’ release, but weirdly enough he looks exactly the same today.)
Anyway, it’s a really fun episode despite the heaviness of the assembled subjects, and you can subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher to get the episode instantly, or download it directly from the web.
And then you should pull up the latest episode of NOW What, where Rad interviews Night Raiders writer-director Danis Goulet about her remarkable film and I talk to Andrew Haigh about his new project, a television adaptation of The North Water that processes Ian McGuire’s novel about a doomed whaling voyage through a queer lens. That’s on podcast platforms everywhere, or right here on our Podbean page.
Looking for more? There’s always last week’s What to Watch page, featuring our reviews of Lamb, The Rescue and Events Transpiring Before, During and After a High School Basketball Game, starring friend of SEMcast Andrew Phung. And that’s about it at the moment, though there’s more to come this week. Stand by.