I’ve been looking forward to releasing this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie for quite some time now; Claire Armstrong recorded it early last winter, the same week as Daniel Warth and Naomi Skwarna, and that was fifty episodes ago, before they took Dim the Fluorescents to its world premiere at the Slamdance Film Festival, where it won a richly deserved audience award.
(The film finally opens in Toronto this Friday, and you should go see it; it’s great.)
The other reason I’ve been itching to release this episode is that Claire picked Never Let Me Go, Mark Romanek’s deceptively placid drama in which Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan and Andrew Garfield (among others, as you’ll notice in the photo) play lifelong friends raised for a purpose they must never fully understand. It’s a mood piece that’s as chilling as it is heartbreaking, and we get into that from any number of angles. Give it a listen, but only after you’ve seen the movie. Spoilers abound, obviously.
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