There’s something pure and lovely about The Princess Bride, isn’t there? I think so, anyway. And that’s why I have no problem introducing a free screening of it for NOW’s Free Flicks series at The Royal tonight, even though I did it just two years ago at Harbourfront.
Eh, it was the audience’s choice. What could I do. And in all honesty The Princess Bride can screen once a week if it wants to; there’ll always be an audience for Rob Reiner’s clear-eyed fairy tale, and for the pure and true love between Robin Wright’s Buttercup and Cary Elwes’ Dread Pirate Westley, and all the other wonderful characters William Goldman’s script packs in. It’s thirty years old next month and it hasn’t aged a day. It’s perfect.
Anyway, you know the drill. Doors open at 6:30 pm, I go on at 7:30 pm, the first hundred guests get free popcorn and everybody gets a free movie. Full details at the Facebook page. Come down, it’ll be nice.
Given that Princess Buttercup grew up to be Claire Underwood, it looks like maybe the politics in Guilder and Florin rival Westeros in the need for Machiavellian scheming. Maybe she and Westley should have stayed in the Fire Swamp after all.