This week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie has been sitting for a while, what with one thing and another, but sadly it’s no less relevant than it was when Daniel Grant and I recorded it eleven months ago.
That’s because the movie Daniel picked was Life, the 1999 Eddie Murphy-Martin Lawrence dramedy about, um, systemic racism in America. Only no one knew what to call it at the time; it was just a funny movie about two guys who get framed for murder in the deep South in the 1930s, and spend 65 years on a prison farm as a result.
Wacky, right? There’s a lot to unpack here, obviously, and the movie plays very differently today. Or does it? Let’s explore!
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher and get the episode immediately, or download it directly from the web if that’s what you’re into. No judgment here.
And then you can go read me making fun of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for whatever the hell they did on Twitter Sunday night. I needed to blow off some steam, okay?