Nothing much is going on this week. Maybe you’ll buy something, maybe you’ll treat yourself to a classic film in 70mm, maybe you’ll sit around the house waiting for a negative COVID test. I don’t know your lives.
But I do know that I hate to leave you all without entertainment, and that’s why this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie is all about Road House, the 1989 Patrick Swazye punch-em-up which actor-filmmaker Evan Rissi loves beyond all reason.
So when I heard Evan’s first feature Going In was making its digital debut this month, this felt like the perfect opportunity to have him on and celebrate Swayze’s charisma, Kelly Lynch’s straight-woman charm and Ben Gazzara’s up-for-anything indie spirit. And Sam Elliott’s pubes, of course.
Subscribe at the usual locations — Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify — or download the episode directly from the web to enjoy while carefully applying your styling products of choice as part of your morning routine.
And then go catch up on your Shiny Things, because I offered some suggestions for Boxing Day bargain-hunters as well as pondering why it’s so difficult to bring Stephen King’s books to the screen without losing their essential spirit. (It would have been a very different essay if that new 4K edition of The Dead Zone had shown up in time, mind you.) You can subscribe right here!
That’s pretty much it for this week, though. Like I said, there’s just not a lot to do. I hope you’re enjoying a similarly calm few days, and if you’re in Toronto I really hope you get to see Lawrence of Arabia in 70mm at the Lightbox, as God intended.
See you next year!