The worst of TIFF 2011 is over; the wall-to-wall gauntlet of screenings and interviews ended yesterday, and though the festival continues through Sunday (with some pretty good films still to play), it’s on cruise control. You will not hear me complaining.
So this morning, I can finally post a link to this week’s MSN DVD column, in which I consider the surprising merits of “Thor” and have a bit of a chat with its director, a certain Kenneth Branagh.
Nice guy. I’m still not gonna revisit “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, though.
Ah, Wednesday, the traditional ‘hit the wall’ day for me. You’d think 20 years in I would know better than to schedule a 157 minute, slow moving Turkish film at 8:45am. Correct choice? Sleeping in my bed instead of in the theatre. Plus, not sure how I missed that it’s one of Lord Handling’s picks. I should know better after Twentynine Palms.
I know what you mean. I took an hour today and had lunch with a couple of filmmakers. Personal interaction with fellow humans becomes a survival tool at this point.