Soooo, how many movies can you cram into a single weekend? Let’s find out!
After: … based on One Direction fan fiction?
Amazing Grace: Aretha Franklin, at her most transcendent.
The Best of Enemies: You thought Green Book was problematic?
The Brink: Another doc about Steve Bannon. Swell.
Far: The Story of a Journey Around the World: Like it says on the tin.
Fausto: Artful Mexican take on Goethe’s classic. [Kevin]
Girls of the Sun: True-life war movie falls flat. [Paul]
Hellboy: Everyone should be asking, “Where’s Perlman?” [Review coming later this afternoon. UPDATE: Ugh.]
Hellmington: Police detective comes home, finds mystery.
Her Smell: Perry and Moss, together again! Rockin’! [Kevin]
Iyengar: The Man, Yoga and the Student’s Journey: Like it says on the tin.
Little: Big in reverse, could be fun.
Mary Magdalene: Eh, it’s Easter. These things happen.
Master Z: Ip Man Legacy: Michelle Yeoh! Dave Bautista! Tony Jaa!
Mia and the White Lion: A girl and her giant kitten.
Missing Link: Laika’s latest: A big, furry charmer.
Stockholm: Hawke and Budreau do Dog Day.
… wow, seventeen. That’s nuts.