Science Fiction, Double Feature

The sound’s not the best on this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie, but the conversation is one of my favorites.

Last month, I sat down in London with comedian, writer and newly minted TV star Mae Martin, whose six-episode dramedy Feel Good premieres later this week and is one of the year’s best shows. She’s a Canadian comedy nerd, which is delightful, but she’s also a whip-smart stand-up, which means she’s a perfect podcast guest.

Also, she wanted to talk about The Rocky Horror Picture Show, a 45-year-old movie that’s weirdly suited to the current cultural moment — it’s even about people self-isolating, sort of! — and which turned out to be a great spingboard for one of those wide-ranging conversations that I love so much. Just hang on and trust that we’ll stick the landing.

Subscribe on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play and Stitcher to get it instantly, or download the episode directly from the web. It’s nice to have a distraction. And stay tuned for more about Mae and her show!

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