So I’ve been a little busy these last couple of days. I wrote a thing for NOW about my concern for Rob Ford’s life which went viral on Monday evening, and that led to me spending most of Tuesday glued to the spectacular near-meltdown of Rob and his brother Doug.
In case you didn’t have CNN on yesterday, Doug started the ball rolling by attacking Toronto’s chief of police for investigating his brother. A few hours later, Rob gave the most awkwardly impromptu confession of drug use I’ve ever seen, literally begging reporters to ask him the questions they’d asked him back in May when the crack-video scandal began … so he could answer it now, and then say they’d never asked him the question properly the first time aroumd. (Remember, Rob Ford is an almost impossibly stupid man.)
And a few hours after that, Rob held a press conference so he could make a tearful apology for that thing he’d admitted to doing earlier in the day and launch himself into campaign mode, putting everything behind him so he can focus on getting re-elected next year as a penitent victim.
And then … nothing happened. Unless his heart exploded in the night, Rob Ford is still the mayor of Toronto this morning. Which is why I’ll be going down to Nathan Phillips Square at noon today to participate in the first of two Save Toronto rallies, designed to protest the continued presence of a self-admitted drunken crackhead at the helm of our municipal government.
Wanna come down? There will be sidewalk chalk and false hope! I figure that’s gotta be preferable to drinking in your basement. But I’ve been wrong before.
Wish I could be there with you!! But I have this nagging sense that it’s going to lead into the final scenes of The Host (Korea 2006).
Seriously though, stay strong!