More Like “The Meh”, If We’re Being Honest

It’ s Friday! Movies are everywhere! You can read about ’em over at NOW or stay here for the six-word game. Totally up to you.

BlacKkKlansman: Spike Lee gets political, satirical, angry. [Rad]

Cielo: Look up. Look waaaaaay up. Nice.

The Crescent: Nice imagery, shame about the script.

Dog Days. Ken Marino and friends have fun.

The Meg: Jason Statham punches the shark, right?

The Miseducation of Cameron Post: But I’m A Cheerleader, played straight. [Chris]

Puzzle: Crosswords unite two lonely people, somehow.

Slender Man: Creepypasta comes to life, as usual.

And there we are. Come back later today for a fun surprise!

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