Luminous Beings Are We

This week on Someone Else’s Movie, I get all emotional about Steven Spielberg’s E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial.

But it’s okay, because I have company: Specifically, Anna Hopkins — an actor you may know from ArrowShadowhunters, The Expanse and a couple of episodes of Killjoys this season, as well as Mark Slutsky’s delightful short Final Offer, where she plays an alien negotiator tormenting a hapless Aaron Abrams. And Anna is at least as big a fan of this film as I am.

So give it a listen! You can subscribe to the show on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play and Stitcher, stream to it on Spotify or just download the episode directly from the web.

And then get ready to watch Anna do badass things in a leather jacket (I assume) alongside Kim Coates and Melanie Scrofano when the gangster-mobster series Bad Blood starts its second season next week.  That should be fun, too.

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