This week on Someone Else’s Movie, I welcome Vancouver filmmaker Geoff Redknap, a makeup effects artist whose terrific first feature The Unseen drops on iTunes today after its Toronto theatrical run. It’s a really good movie, and a fairly radical one for its genre touches, and Aden Young is fantastic in it. You should check it out.
But first, maybe listen to Geoff and I discussing Joel and Ethan Coen’s No Country for Old Men, that 2007 Oscar-winner which turns Cormac McCarthy’s doom-laden novel into visual poetry, even the Coens did undercut said poetry with Javier Bardem running around in a pageboy haircut.
You know how to find it, right? Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Stitcher, or download the episode directly from the web. And enjoy it! It’s a dark world, let’s find pleasure where we can.