As everyone expected, “Saw 3D” clamped down hard on the Halloween weekend; as perhaps fewer people expected, it did so with a three-day gross of just $24 million, which has to be disappointing in the wake of last week’s $41.5 million opening for “Paranormal Activity 2”.
Still, after the feeble opening of “Saw VI” last year — a film so unnecessary I actually forgot I’d seen it in a theatre — this constitutes a rebound for the series, which had teased the possibility that this one would be the final chapter. Now … well, it’s anybody’s guess. Can Lionsgate walk away from a relatively inexpensive franchise that’s still popular?
And, on a more relevant note, are there any characters left standing at the end of “Saw 3D”, or is everyone in pieces by the time the curtain comes down? I haven’t seen it yet, you understand …
On a different horror note, did you catch AMCs debut of The Walking Dead?
It’s waiting to be watched, but after the last five minutes of “The Mist”, I’m not sure I’m ready to trust Frank Darabont just yet …
Did you watch Walking Dead yet? I’m curious what you thought of the opening scene.