On this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie, I am lucky enough to sit down with Krysty Wilson-Cairns, co-writer of Sam Mendes’ WWI drama 1917 (and Edgar Wright’s upcoming Last Night in Soho), to talk about her pure and lasting love for Shallow Grave, the scrappy little thriller that put Danny Boyle, John Hodge and Andrew Macdonald on the cinematic map 25 years ago.
We didn’t have nearly enough time — we never do — but we had a lot of fun and even stumbled onto a sequel pitch, which I hope she’s honing over the holidays.
Wanna hear it? Of course you do. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher to get the episode instantly, or stream it on Spotify, or just download it directly from the web. And before you ask, I made a point of not even bringing up Last Night in Soho because god dammit I don’t want to know anything until I sit down in the theater with it.