A Bucket of Blood

I’ve been trying to get Jocelyn Geddie to do an episode of Someone Else’s Movie for a while now … and believe me, it was worth the wait.

I mean, of course it was: Jocelyn’s a gifted writer and a very funny performer who’s also a whip-smart pop-culture critic, as evidenced by her weekly podcast with Friend of SEMcast Kat Angus I Hate It But I Love It, on which I had the pleasure of guesting two years ago this week. We talked about M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs; for her appearance on my show, Jocelyn chose another tale of small-town horror: Brian de Palma’s Carrie. You know, the first Stephen King movie. The one with the prom. And the hand. That one.

Despite the wrenching seriousness of the movie under discussion, it turned out to be a really fun episode — and I’m happy to roll it out into a world that needs all the fun it can get. So go listen to it! And my apologies for bringing David Hamilton’s Bilitis into the conversation, however briefly.

Wanna join us? Subscribe on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play and Stitcher and get the episode right away, or download it directly from the website. And wear headphones. There may be some swears.

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